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Pricajte besplatno sa Nokia telefona!

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Pricajte besplatno sa Nokia telefona! Empty Pricajte besplatno sa Nokia telefona!

Počalji od Komsija Pet 08 Jun 2007, 23:29

So How Do We Do It?

This technique works on most of the nokia models out today. Meaning
this will work for you as long as you don't have an old fossil sort
of model. So what you will first do is turn on your phone. Then punch
in the code


This will bring up the NAM programming menu.
From here go down and select the option NAM 1. Once you are in the NAM
1 menu, go down until you see "Emergency Numbers", and enter. You then
go down until you see an empty slot and enter the empty slot. Then
simply punch in the number that you want to call and exit the NAM
programming menu. Now when you dial up the number, the number will be
treated as an emergency call number, which will therefore put the
phone into emergency call mode (which you can exit out of once you are
finished with your call). No number in the emergency call number list
is ever billed to you.

This trick for the most part only works on the Nokia
60 series, though I believe may also work for a couple of other models.
Be sure to also note that this trick also doesn't work on all
networks. Therefore, if you indeed do have a compatible model, first
try it with just one or two calls before you start going wild. Then
just wait for the bill, and if nothing shows up about the calls you
made with this trick, then feel free to call away.

Enjoy Your Free Calling

P.S. Nemam Nokia Tel serije 60, pa nisam isprobao, ali znam da pojedini clanovi imaju, pa bi mogli da provere

Muški Broj poruka : 1760
Godina : 42
Lokacija : pa, Dolovo
Datum upisa : 09.12.2006

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