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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

4 posters

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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth Empty Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

Počalji od atomski_mrav Uto 29 Jan 2008, 18:20

Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
Call from his phone" it includes all call functions like hold etc.
1.) When connecting devices use a code 0000
2.) At start of programm on smartphones do not forget to turn on bluetooth before start of the application

Za sada radi provereno na svim SE telefonima, sa nokia mozete da kopirati poruke i imenik.


Provereno radi!!

Muški Broj poruka : 1029
Godina : 38
Lokacija : 44° 54' 4" North, 20° 52' 39" East
Datum upisa : 02.03.2007

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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth Empty Re: Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

Počalji od SKAZI Uto 29 Jan 2008, 23:10

hm dali ovo stvarno moze ili je to samo zafrkancija? nemoguce da tek tako upadnes korisnik telefona treba da ti potvrdi konekciju... a i zasto bih nekome upao u telefon? pridjes lepo izvini imas za poruku, itd.

Muški Broj poruka : 535
Godina : 36
Lokacija : udobna fotelja ispred AMD_a
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth Empty Re: Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

Počalji od peki90 Sre 30 Jan 2008, 00:13

Ja sam probao. Onom kome hoces da upadnes u telefon mora da odobri... ali samo prvi put ja imam Nokiju i radi.

Muški Broj poruka : 251
Godina : 34
Datum upisa : 01.12.2007

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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth Empty Re: Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

Počalji od Mad_Ferrari Sre 30 Jan 2008, 00:16

Extra stvar samo sto je stara fora...

Muški Broj poruka : 806
Godina : 35
Lokacija : Pančevo
Datum upisa : 14.04.2007

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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth Empty Re: Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

Počalji od atomski_mrav Sre 04 Jun 2008, 21:19

Ultimate Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy 200

Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth MobilePhoneSpyImage1
Ultimate Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy 2008 | Multi Platforms/Os |10MB

Ultimate Bluetooth Mobile Phone Spy Software Edition 2008 will work on All mobile devices that are bluetooth enabled. Not just phones but also laptops, computers, etc. YOU WILL RECEIVE SEPERATE SOFTWARE FOR OLD MODELS AND NEW MODELS (INCLUDING SYMBIAN PHONES). We don't need to list compatible phones - this works on ALL phones!
Check what your kids, spouse, or partner are up to - and rest at peace!

Not just 1 program but an entire suite that will work on old phones, new phones, smart phones, java phones - on absolutely all of them.
NOTHING is logged, you leave absolutely NO TRACE of your spying activities!
This program is 100% software. You will NOT need to alter or modify your handset at all!

Is your DAUGHTER wasting her time on that NO GOOD PUNK?
Is your PARTNER cheating on you and making secret calls in the bathroom?
Are your FAMILY members wasting too many unnecessary minutes on your PHONE CONTRACT?
Are your children TEXTING or TALKING on the phone when they should be doing their homework or household chores?

Here the solutions!

Extra Bonus
2 extra bonus spy items
- Bluetooth spy suite for your PC/laptop.
- A very special program that enables you to view incomming and outgoing e-mail for a given e-mail address.


Muški Broj poruka : 1029
Godina : 38
Lokacija : 44° 54' 4" North, 20° 52' 39" East
Datum upisa : 02.03.2007

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Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko  Bluetooth Empty Re: Hakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth

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