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ReConnect v1.5

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ReConnect v1.5 Empty ReConnect v1.5

Počalji od den78 Pon 25 Feb 2008, 01:22

ReConnect v1.5

ReConnect v1.5 Recon2k

Veoma korisno malo programche koje ne zahteva instalaciju...sluzi da automatski konektuje npr. vpn ako se slucajno ugasi sam od sebe.
This application will automatically reconnect an internet connection when it disconnects. It will work on any Windows 'Network and Dial-up' connection - Broadband ADSL, dial-up modem, RAS..

Main features:

* Connect / disconnect to the internet
* Automatically reconnect if your connection drops, with settings to retry every user decided milliseconds
* Saves username + password entered for the connection
* Amount of retry attemps settings
* Able to log connection details to a .txt or .log file: Attempts, date and time, etc.
* Able to start-up when Windows starts
* Automatically connect to internet on start-up of application
* Minimize to system tray when connected
* Timer to set date and time to either: Disconnect at this time, or shutdown PC at this time
* Saves your settings and screen position for next time you open ReConnect
* Animated system tray icon when connecting, and visual colour change for when connected
* Single .exe file is small and fast, and sits discreetly in the system tray, ready to reconnect a disconnected connection


Muški Broj poruka : 1650
Lokacija : 90210
Datum upisa : 22.02.2007

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