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Tekstovi pesama

Nick Slaughter
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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od homer Pet 07 Sep 2007, 01:20


Srebrna Krila
U srcu mi led
a na usnama zar
od tvog poljupca
kad dala si mi poslednji dar
O, Ana, o, Ana, o, Ana
tugo mojih dana
o, Ana, o, Ana, o, Ana
tugo mojih dana
U srcu mi bol
jer jos sanjam tvoj lik
kad si otisla
na usnama mi ostao krik

Muški Broj poruka : 3094
Godina : 42
Datum upisa : 22.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Slavic_Warior Pet 07 Sep 2007, 20:23

ARKONA-Epidemia Rozczarowania I Nêdza Duchowa

[An Epidemic Of Dissapointment And Spiritual Misery]

Zabili wszystkie uczucia

Zabrali radoœæ ¿ycia

Da³em siê na to nabraæ

A teraz zosta³a pustka

Chcê powróciæ, a ju¿ nie mogê

Kolory straci³y barwy

Smutek poch³on¹³ ka¿d¹ myœl

Sen zapomnienia - radoϾ istnienia

Nie wierzyæ w nic!

Tylko ci¹gle uciekaæ

Przed w³asn¹ s³aboœci¹

I milczeæ bez wiary

S³owa symbole, egoizm zgubi

A czas zabije ka¿dego z nas

Zbyt krótko, zbyt s³abo

Czujemy ¿ycie bez winy i woli

Niech z Tob¹ bedzie inaczej

Spraw w sercu ogieñ

By p³on¹³ wiecznie

By nie zgas³ wcale

Nêdza! Duchowa!

Nagrody nie ma, kara nie istnieje

Sam sobie tylko kopiesz mogi³ê

Zbyt szybko, zbyt g³êboko

Zamkn¹ Ciê w trumnie, proch w proch

Wtedy poczujesz jak by³o blisko

Bo by³o lepiej, wtedy zobaczysz

Co mog³eœ mieæ, a co straci³eœ

Odkryjesz prawdê, ocenisz los

Epidemia rozczarowania i nêdza duchowa

Fa³szywie ³akn¹ ³ono Twoich myœli

Nie daj siê z³apaæ!!!

Nie daj siê nabraæ!!!

Nie daj siê!!!

Muški Broj poruka : 2761
Godina : 34
Lokacija : Arkona
Datum upisa : 24.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 09 Sep 2007, 01:25

Busta Rhymes - In The Ghetto

[Busta Rhymes]
Y'know, my homey Treach from Naughty By Nature once said
If you ain't from the ghetto, don't COME to the fuckin ghetto
But I'ma let one of our most immaculate tour guides
take us ALL through the ghetto - my nigga Rick James!

[Rick James - sampled from "Ghetto Life" + (backup singers)]
When I was a young boy, growin up in the ghetto!
Hangin out on corners, singin with the fellas
Lookin for the cute chicks, tryin to find me big fun
Lookin for some trouble, or anyone who'll give me some
I was young and crazy! (In the ghetto)
Didn't know what my life would be (In the ghetto)
I was dumb and oh so lazy (In the ghetto)
Something had a spell on me (In the ghetto)
You all know what I'm talkin 'bout (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
(Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
You all know what I'm singin 'bout (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
Ghetto liiiiiiiiife (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)

[Busta Rhymes]
(In the ghetto) Sure we be takin them chances
While we search for the answers we be smokin them cancer sticks
Police provokin muh'fuckers we dancin
And we be dodgin them bullets they be poppin off at us, shit
But yet we always romance the street
And fall in love with the hood 'til somebody come blast the heat
Always up to no good, so all of my fam could eat
See in the hood we hungry - hey nigga we playin for keeps
My soldiers on the block get on it
It be good if you flaunt it, we will take if we want it
See niggaz from the ghetto got a different state of mind
With a different kind of hustle and we iller with the grind
And develop our muscle 'til we sicker with the shine
In the struggle, thus our money come quicker doin crime
I see the way we rep the hood, gotta love me
You can take me out the ghetto, but you can't take it from me
Gotta love it

[Chorus: Rick James + (backup singers)]
(Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
Ghetto liiiiiiiiife (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
You all know what I'm singin 'bout (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
Ghetto liiiiiiiiife (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)

[Busta Rhymes]
(In the ghetto) That's where we get into that street shit
Hustle hard, try to get money quick (In the ghetto)
That's where I got my name from
I learned to get money and I got all my game from (In the ghetto)
That's where you eat with a bunch of the wolves
And get to hustlin as hard as you could (In the ghetto)
Until your cake stackin shit'll get good
Throw a block party for the whole hood (In the ghetto)
With them burnout cellys
Talk crazy, sell drugs in front of Pancho Deli
Crackhead chicks still smuggle babies in they belly
And them piss in elevators 'til the lobby all smelly (In the ghetto)
That's where I keep my ratchets
Get my instincts and survival tactics
Ain't nuttin like the hood nigga, I don't care
You survivin in the ghetto you can make it anywhere
Gotta love it


[Interlude: Busta Rhymes]
To my East coast niggaz - rep your ghetto
West coast niggaz - rep your ghetto
Midwest niggaz - rep your ghetto
Down South niggaz - rep your ghetto
To my East coast niggaz - rep your ghetto
West coast niggaz - rep your ghetto
Midwest niggaz - rep your ghetto
To my Dirty South niggaz - rep your ghetto

[Busta Rhymes]
(In the ghetto) Even though they act rude
You'll always find a good chick to hold a brick for they dude
Behind the bullshit, me and my clique on the move
We honor the code of the street, and live by the rules (In the ghetto)
Is where, all of the hood's at
Find the most crooks and they sell the most drugs at
Where you find beautiful women and rugrats
And some of the most powerful people, I love that!

[Outro: Rick James + (backup singers)]
(Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
You all know what I'm talkin 'bout (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
(Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
You all know what I'm singin 'bout (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
Ghetto liiiiiiiiife (Talkin 'bout ghetto life)
(In the ghetto)

"Never mind who you thought I was, I'm Rick James BITCH!" [applause]
"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 10:04

Nervozni poštar


Šapuće se, šapuće, da krntiju vozim ja
da od moga Golfa nema goreg auta
šapuće se, šapuće, da krntiju vozim ja
samo što se nije raspala

Udji, bebo, udji, ne slušaj ih ti
što se ne bi okolo mi provozali
ako nam se, bejbe, motor pokvari
pored puta možemo se mi parkirati

Šapuće se, šapuće, da krntiju vozim ja
koja nikad remonta nije vidjela
šapuće se, šapuće, da krntiju vozim ja
da se majstorima od nje povraća


Šapuće se, šapuće, al' moj Golf ne mari
nego cure bari bolje neg' Ferari
šapuće se, šapuće, al' ni ja ne marim
nego cure barim dok ne ostarim


Poslednji put izmenio dana Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:19, izmenio ukupno 2 puta
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 10:09

Nervozni poštar

Vojnička pjesma

Ustaj vojskoooooooo!

U decembru, u decembru u JNA
stigao sam ja
preda mnom je, preda mnom je
duga godina

Al' dani, dani brzo prolaze
pročiće i to
služićemo jarančino
služićemo pošteno

Ref. 2x
Vjetar duva, vjetar duva
niz Beograd grad
333 - sitnoooo
ja sam vojnik mlad

Leva, leva, leva, desna, je'n, dva

Kalendar, mali beli kalendar
u novčaniku mom
križam dane, križam dane
hemijskom olovkom

Ref. 2x

002 - džomba sam ja
333 - gušter si ti

Poslednji put izmenio dana Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:20, izmenio ukupno 2 puta
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 10:12

Nervozni poštar

Gušterska pjesma

Voz, voz, voz, voz polazi
na stanici ostali smo mi
voz, voz, voz, voz polazi
sa suzama mašes nam ti

Popili, popili, popili smo svi
jaran nam u armiju noćas odlazi
pjevali, pjevali, pjevali smo svi
srećno, srećno gušteru, vrati nam se ti

Voz, voz, voz, voz polazi
suze, gujo, suze obriši
ništa se vise ti ne brini
curu, curu, curu će jarani čuvati


Voz, voz, voz, voz polazi
od sada se, gušteru, sam snalazi
iz kasarne javi nam se ti
na zakletvu doćićemo svi


Poslednji izmenio dana Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:21, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 10:18

Nervozni poštar

Moj Ford stari

Nisam imao pare Golfa da kupim
a ni polovnog "stojadina"
ali sam na kraju uspijo da skupim
kupio sam Forda
starog dva'est godina

Moj Ford stari
nikad se ne kvari
a šta sam mu, šta sam mu radio
gore - dole, gore - dole
joj, joj, joj
s curicama svake noći
dušu sam mu vadio

Ne kaže se džaba - Ford mašina
Milicija nikad me nije dirala
pali Fordo, pali kao mina
kaseta je u njemu pa zasvirava


Nudio mi jedan stari Cigo
'ajde kume dam ga prodaš
molim te, evo Opela, evo...
1000 maraka umalo sam dig'o
ali se od Forda nisam mog'o rastati


Poslednji put izmenio Nick Slaughter dana Sub 09 Avg 2008, 16:47, izmenio ukupno 3 puta
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:06

Zabranjeno pušenje

Bog vozi Mercedes

Ovo je Junkie City
tu je Bog rek'o laku noć
ovdje i Bog vozi Mercedes
sto veći smrad, bolje ćeš proć'

Buraz, nosi to iz kuće, zar te nije stid
znaš kako nana izgleda nam
kad je spuca speed
zar i Bog vozi Mercedes
oh my Lord, yes, indeed

Džigi trči svakog dana
sa psom Rikicom i dva jarana
on živi sportski, nije na tripu
makro je kokama što ne pamte Titu

Zato šmrkni lajnu koke, gun si nabavi
i Bog vozi Mercedes, zato ne brini
i Bog vozi Mercedes
oh my Lord, yes, indeed

Šmeka me drot kod Narodne banke
ko to dila oružje
i to mimo stranke
zar i Bog vozi Mercedes i nosi Rejbanke

I Bog vozi Mercedes
I'm an angel and I say yes
i Bog vozi Mercedes
mister Sejo, be cool, smiri bijes

All right mamma, I'll be all right
šta još kome znači jedan obijeni raj
šta još kome znači
jedan grad što gubi sjaj

I Bog vozi Mercedes
budi cool, budi high
i Bog vozi Mercedes i nosi Rejbanke
i Bog vozi Mercedes i kiti pevaljke
i Bog vozi Mercedes
tu možeš kupit' gun

I Bog vozi Mercedes
i sredit će ti stan
i Bog vozi Mercedes
oh my boy, you have to run

Poslednji izmenio dana Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:22, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:10

Zabranjeno pusenje

Agent tajne sile

Razlio se mjesec po sobi
punoj tajnih zvukova
to ludi naučnik pravi u mojoj glavi
tebe od sna i sjećanja

Ko lud idem kod naših starih mjesta
gori li još svjetlo, je li izašla
skriven iza parka buljim u tebe
i tvog novog frajera

Ti si zmija, ti si pile
ti si agent tajne sile
ti si bura i ti si svila
ti si šetnja, ti si vila
ti si ocat, ti si bol
nekad prava, nekad fol
ti si putnik, ti si zid
ti si dan i ti si stid

Ti imas figuru koja liči na mene
i koju iglom ubadaš
i onda bilo gdje
pred zdravim ljudima
lice krijem rukama

Cigarom progorena zavijesa
u sobi čudnih zvukova
to ludi naučnik pravi u mojoj glavi
tebe od sna i sjećanja


Ti si vatra i ti si led
ti si super i ti si med
ti si ugljen, a i žar
ti si vatra, a i dar
ti si zmija, ti si pile
ti si agent tajne sile
ti si putnik, ti si zid
ti si dan, ti si stid
ti me gušiš, ti me daviš
ti me rušiš, ti me slaviš
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:16

Wu-tang Clan » Uzi (Pinky Ring)

Yo.. yeah
Don't erase none of that good shit in the beginnin
Yo.. spill drinks on ya, get stank on ya
Yo.. yo.. pinky ring shit, yo
That pinky ring shit yo
It's that pinky ring shit, the legend of masked kid
Shoot out the speakers when my guns get jurassic
Superbad, who am I? Dolemite classic
The vandal's back, hands on Angela Bassett
I handle my plastic, gunplay I mastered
No coke, dope mixed down with acid on record
Broken down and crafted in seconds
Lady's choice, the golden voice still peppered
Better, respect it, bitch believe
I pull rabbits out the hat, tricks up my sleeves
I air out the showroom, the shit can breathe
Fix your weave, behold my expertise
[Chorus: Wu-Tang Clan]
I got my uzi back - you dudes is wack, face it the Wu is back
I got my uzi back - you dudes is wack, face it the Wu is back
[Raekwon the Chef]
Take it back to the (?), leanin gettin rec room punch
We in them authentic alley switchin joints
Major general niggaz, five stars
Both arms rock when coke dropped we read a hundred niggaz palms
Silencers, garbage bags of hash
For every cop we paid retired now the nigga on smash
Gash you out your burner fast
You swing down hatin me now respect get your fingers off the glass
[Ghostface Killah]
Yo what the fuck yo?! Yo what the fuck y'all comin for?
Get the fuck away from my door!
We got big guns in here, coke over there
With blue bag and E pills stashed under the chair
And there's Boss Hog black and white pit with the pink lips
Stan thought he was soft 'til he bit his fingers
The shit had me dyin yo, big fat nigga bleedin
Big cat nigga all season
On the beach truck, stuck with Hawaiian ice
Diamond twice the whole city thought I bought FUBU
Blew you, authentic doodoo, picture the fog iced out
Eighteen karat rap between noodles
Up at Killa Bee headquarters, full rips is poured up
I saw (?) sippin Henny from a iced out cup
Yo with the blunt, two-way vibratin off the hip
I sit took, three drags off the honey-dip
Now what you talkin? You see my gold fronts sparkin?
Ain't tryin to hear what you dogs be barkin
Read the headline, that was blast on today's Post
Dead King, thought he could ace Ghost
Queen, couldn't even jack Monk
Probably find him in Doc Doom's back trunk
Bdoodoodoo! I'm up at the Wu library
Readin Malcolm's, ".. Any Means Necessary"
[Method Man]
John John, Bacardi straight up hold the ice
So nice like New York they had to name him twice
Name your price, I black out then change the lights
Give you the same advice that I gave my wife
Don't fuck with mine, Clan give you lumps in nine
Let the smoke cloud clear so the sun can shine
Culture shock, for some of us that's all we got
Whether you ball or not, you can all be shot
[Inspectah Deck]
New York, New York, legendary rhyme boss
Code name Charley Horse, bust with blind force
I smash set it and wreck for cash credit or check
You crabs test, can't measure the threat
I dance on a nigga like my name's Zab Judah
Rap barracuda, three XL kahuna
Sure to get it perkin and cause a disturbance
I'm thirstin, feel what I feel then we can merge then
Creep it through the states in V8's and 12's
My weight's hell, fuck with me then brace yourself
The Noble, Sir I mass mogul
Known to blast vocals, and move global on you locals
[Masta Killa]
This is grown man talkin, coward I split your head
I'm from the East where the streets run red from the bloodshed
Hit Chef for the rice and peas
Nuff respect Father E tumbled at ease
My brothers can't wait to squeeze the automatic
They need wreck like a drug dealer need a addict
Floatin on the 95, sting like a killer bee
Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see
From dark matter to the big crunch
The vocals came in a bunch without one punch
Rare glimpse from the, strictly advanced, proved unstoppable
Reputation enhanced, since the cause was probable
So you compare contrast but don't blast
through extreme depths, with the pen I hold fast
Watch the block thirst for one became all
Shot 'em with the long forgotten rainfall
Delivered in a vivid fashion with simplicity
The blind couldn't verify the authenticity
The rhyme came from the pressure of heat
Then it was laid out, on the ground to pave streets
[scratching "soooooooooooo" until fade]

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:17

Zabranjeno pušenje


Fuada Midžića 19, zgrada k'o i druge
nekom kažeš vozdra, nekom dobar dan
nikom' nisi pogled'o u dušu
nikog' nisi zvao kad bi bio sam

Al' vel'ku igru zaigraše igrači
a na nebu se javi loši znak
ljudi postaše nemirni i čudni
na nesreću i suze zamirisa zrak

Huk topova i šaptaji u mraku
gdje to puca, kad će doći red na nas
kad jedno jutro bahnu Zoka s elektromotorom
„Ej, raja, hajmo pravit' agregat

Sad ste donji veliki igrači
u naša srca unijeli ste hladnoću i mrak
al' na Koševu će opet gorit' svjetlo
Fuada Midžića 19 pravi agregat

I Fahro reče "Neka bude svjetlo“
agregat nek' tišinu zaore
da palimo lampe i mašine
da palimo televizore

Trči, traži, skupljaj materijal
život se opet vraćao u nas
ruka ruci ljudi čista srca
Fuada Midžića 19 pravi agregat


Sad ste donji veliki igrači
mi smo braća, mi smo armija
ruka ruci ljudi čista srca
Fuada Midžića 19 pravi agregat
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:19

Wu-tang Clan » Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit

[Intro: RZA]
Tiger style
Yo, huh, huh
Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck Wit
Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck Wit
Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck Wit
There's noplace to hide once I step inside the room
Dr. Doom, prepare for the boom
JAM, now scream like Tarzan

[Verse One: RZA]

I be tossin, enforcin, my style is awesome
I'm causin more Family Feud's than Richard Dawson
And the survey said -- ya dead
Fatal Flying Guillotine chops off your fuckin head
MZA who was that? Aiyyo, the Wu is back
Makin niggaz go BO BO!, like on Super Cat
Me fear no-one, oh no, here come
The Wu-Tang shogun, killer to the eardrum!

[Verse Two: Inspectah Deck]

I puts the needle to the groove, I gets rude
And I'm forced to fuck it up
My style carries like a pickup truck
Across the clear blue yonder
Seek the China Sea, I slam tracks like quarterbacks sacks from L.T.
Now why try and test, the Rebel INS?
Blessed since the birth, I earth-slam your best
Cause I bake the cake, then take the cake
and eat it, too, with my crew while we head state to state!

[Chorus: RZA]

And if you want beef, then bring the ruckus
Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin ta fuck with
Straight from the motherfucking slums that's busted
Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin ta fuck with

[Interlude: RZA]

Step up, boy!
Chop his head off, kid!

[Verse Three: Method Man]

The Meth will come out tomorrow,
Styles, is wild, berserk, bizarro
Flow, with more afro than Rollo
Comin to a fork in the road which way to go just follow
Method, the Legend, niggaz is Sleepy Hollow
In fact I'm a hard act to follow
I dealt for dolo, Bogart comin on through
Niggaz is like "Oh, my God, not you!"
Yes, I, come to get a slice of the punk and the pie
Rather do than die, check my
flava, comin from the RZA
which is short for the razor
Who make me reminisce true like Deja, Vu!
I'm rubber, niggaz is like glue
Whatever you say rubs off me sticks to you


Ahh-hah! Yeah
Representin Brooklyn Queens
Long Island, Manhattan Bronx
The Rugged Lands of Shaolin
Niggaz from Virginia, Atlanta
Our boys in Ohio
comin through with the crazy, why-oh why-oh
Yo, niggaz from The Source
My man Kelly Moon from the GAVIN
Rod Strickland, Jason ? and yeah
true, true, my nigga ? it's goin down boy
We ain't nuttin ta fuck wit
The whole Texas mob, the Chicago mob
Niggaz from Detroit, fuckin California squadron
comin through knahmsayin? The whole fuckin West coast
to the whole East, niggaz from D.C.
Down in Maryland, all the way over there in Morgan State
Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin ta fuck wit
all over the whole fuckin globe, comin through boy
Peace to the fuckin Zulu Nation
Peace to all the Gods and the Earths, word is bond
Wu-Tang slang, choppin heads boy
It ain't safe no more!

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Tekstovi pesama - Page 7 Empty Re: Tekstovi pesama

Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:23

Wu-tang Clan » Protect Yo' Neck

So what' up man?
Coolin' man
Chillin' chillin" Yo know I had to call...You know why right?
Cuz...Yo..I never ever call and ask you to play something. Right?
You know what I wanna hear right?
What you wanna hear?
I wanna hear that wu-tang joint
The Wu-Tang Again!!!!!!!!!!
awW Yeah AGAIN and Again!!

I smoke on the mic like smoking Joe Frazier
The hell raiser..raising hell with tha flava
Terrorizing jam like troops in Pakistan
Swinging through your town like your neighbourhood Spider Man
So..uhhh...tick tock keep tickin
When I get you flipping off the shit I'm kicking
The Lone Ranger..Code red...DANGER!!!
Deep in the dark wit da art to rip they charts apart
The vandal Too hot to handle...Yo battle
Your saying goodbye like Tevin Camble
Roughneck Inspecta Deck's on the set
The Rebel
I make more noise than heavy metal

The way I make the crowd go wild
Sit back relax..Go smile
Rae got it goin on pal
Call me tha Rap Asassinator
Rhymes rugged and built like Shwarcheneger
And I'm gonna get mad deep like a threat
Blow up your project then take all your assets
Cuz I came to shake your frame and have to put the coats that bomb
Shit like now!!
So if you wanna try to flip go flip on the next man
Cuz I'll grab the clip and...hit you with sixteen shots and all I got
Goin to war with the melting pot, HA

It's the Method Man for short Mr. Meth
Move it on your left
I set it off, get it off, let it a gat
I wanna break fool cop me back
Small change they putting shame in a game
I take aim and blow tha nigga out tha frame
And like DAMM!! my style will live forever
Niggaz crossing over like they don't know no better
But I do.true..can I get a SUUUEEE
Enough respect due to tha 1 6 oooohhh
I mean ohhh..yo check out tha flow
Like the Hudson on PCP when I'm dustin
Niggaz awe.cuz i'm hot like sauce
the smoke from tha lyrical blunt make me *cough*

BOOM!! Then grab mah nut 'n' OOH.
OWW!! Here come mah Shaolin style.
2 beats 'n' tha big wide shoe.
2 my crew wit da SSSUUUUUUUUEE!!
Ye, ye, ye, ye. (watch ya step kid 8x)
c'mon, baby, baby. c'mon, baby, baby. c'mon, baby, baby.
c'mon ooonnnnn!! ye. Ya best protect ya neck.

First thangs first, man, ya fukin wit tha worst.
I be stickin pins in ya head like a fuckin nurse
Ill attack any nigga who's slackin, this mack come packed with the fat bogus stack
Shame on you when you stepped through
The old dirty bastard, straight from the Brooklyn Zoo
and I'll be damned if I let any man
Come to my center, you enter the winter
Straight up and down wit dat shit that jam
You can't slam, let me get (?) on a man
The old dirty bastard is dirty and stinkin
(??) rollllin wit da 900th (maybe night hunter?) creeps
Where da stash? aint sayin (?) bite my style I'll bite ya muthafuckin ass

For cryin out loud my style's wild so fuck you
Not long is how long that this rhyme took me
styles from my lethal weapon, my pen, that rocks from here to orient
There's more again
Catch it like a psycho flashback
I love gats, rappers wit guns? You wouldn't bust back
I come wit shit all types of shapes and sounds
and wherever I lounge is my stompin grounds
I give an order to my peeps across the water
To go and snatch up props all around the border
And get far, like a shootin star
Cause who I are is livin the life of Pablo Escobar
Point black as I kick the ('? square somethin maybe)
There it is, ya fucked, froze, and there it goes

YO chiiiiiiiill wit da feedback black we don't need dat
it's ten o clock ho, where the fuck da seed at
Feelin mad hostile, ran the apostle
flowin like Christ when I speech the gospel
stroll wit da holy roll, then attack the globe wit da ruckus
styles, the ruckus
ten top ten, man, committin mad sin
turn the other cheek and I'll break ya fuckin chin
slangin through bangs like african drums (not sure on the first bit)
(he'll be) comin round the mounain when I come
crazy flamboyant for the rap enjoyment
my clan, it freeze, like black unemployment
yeah, another one down
G-gigga-genius take us the fuck outta here

The Wu is too slammin for these cult killa labels
so they aint had hits since I seen aunt mabel
be doin artists in like Cain did Abel
now they money's gettin stuck to the gum under the table
that's what ya get when ya misuse what I invent
Your empire falls and ya lose every cent
But tryin to blow up a scrub
Now that daughter's just as white as a 20 watt lightbulb (daughter?)
Shoulda pumped it when I rocked it
Niggas so stingy they got short arms and deep pockets
This goes in some companies
Wit majors, they scared, they duck to pump these
First of all, whose your A&R?
A mountain climber who plays the electric guitar?
But he don't even know the meaning of dope
When he's lookin for a suit and tie rap, that's cleaner than a bar of soap
but I'm the dirtiest thing in sight
matter of fact, bring out the girls, and let's have a mudfight

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:26

Wu-tang Clan » It’s Yourz

Verse one: raekwon the chef

Machine gun rap for all my niggaz in the back
Stadium packed, linebacker nigga flashback
See through yellow lines
Rock a fly jersey in the summertime god
Magic marker rap, bleed benatton
Relaxed, wrote this, comin at cha crab ass cope
And snatch ya ice off, chillin in the back, throw the lights off
Waves, water blend, rhyme flow in slow motion
Thick snare, Im feelin like a snail in the ocean
Whats your wish? wanna kringle like kris?
Melodic single, dark snap a nigga just like fish
You fucked up, some rich niggaz you done test yo
Select the wrong apartment, and niggaz pulled up your dress
Style molest that, canal chain nigga where ya vest at
Flexll make me wanna bless that, yo
Saddam hu-sane niggaz light the torch, we flamin niggaz
Autograph that, flatten all the main niggaz


[all] its yourz!
[rza] the world in the palm of your hand
[all] its yourz!
[rza] twenty-three million of useful land
[all] its yourz!
[rza] the seed and the black wo-man
[all] its yourz!
[rza] double lp from wu-tang clan
[all] its yourz! (2x)

Verse two: u-god

Yo, super freak physique. like raphael saadiq
Baby love the ganja leaf, everday of the week
Super friends wake up, deluxe gourmet beats
The night is right, I might find me a suite
Its a quarter full moon, now I ride with my swoon
Well groomed, dance hall packed, full room
Lady move, peep my glide, peep my zoom
Keep in stride, smoke the lah smoke the boom
Feel the fumes, consume toxic tunes
Hell bound, species forty ounce typhoon
The ultra-violet scream machine move your body touch
The totem pole wobble ark builders God rush
Beams of light, stop ya breathin -- its huntin season
Honey eye-ballin down for no reason
Grab her close, play post, wind and wax floors
Never mind the laws, cause tonight
[all] its yourz

Verse three: rza

Stop the fader of the ram, pass my watts through my pre-amp
Them cant stress the beat vamp the shitll get blam
At full throttle, hot lead propels throughout my nozzle
Crack your soul like bottles, leave you stiff as models
You fag, you couldnt pull one drag -- off my blunt
You couldnt punch your way out of a wet paper bag
With scissors in your hands -- bitch, the rza
I stand close to walls, like number four the lizard
Enchant a few solar panels, blast off like roman candles
Rap vandals, stomp your ass like randall mcdaniel
You cocker spaniel dogs, cant fuck with our catalog
Put your lights out and leave your brain inside a fog

Verse four: inspectah deck

Its only natural, actual facts are thrown at you
The impactll blow trees back and crack statues
Million dollar rap crews fold, check the sick shit
Explicit, I crystalize the rhyme so you can sniff it
We live this, fitted hats low conceal the crooked i
No surprise, verbal stick up -- put em high
Rebel i, outlaw, split second on the draw
Blow the door off this shit, like bricks of c-4


Verse five: ghostface

Check out my beaver, baby blue glock in the safe
Seems darthy and the God and get ski roll weight
We hold a belt son, thats my word
Spot a rapper run him down, throw him out in the third, yo check it
I think like the man behind a register
Evergreen smokin estates, rhyme and power made me treasurer
With third down, six to go flash his strobe lights
Im open rza hit me off lovely and I love him
With root beer thoughts, heres a tennis court
For your birthday, the babyface of rap politic with sade
Avenging eagle crooks rock the w and spiegel books
Annheiser busch kings came through, and stopped your whole jooks
Spitfire kangols, watch tony train a gang of hoes
Painful like hearin the news, like when your man go
Ends blow, windy at times watch the room sheisty girl
Love to sit out this song, now watch your water break

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:32

Zabranjeno pušenje

Balada o Pišonji i Žugi

Pišonja i Žuga su pamtili dobrošta im je te večeri govorio Lepi
more je provod, more su koke
more je izvor života
je li tako Moke?

Moke je još dod'o i to
da se strankinje praskaju pravo
i da je u Zaostrogu u kampu
svaku noć drugu jebav'o
Pišonja i Žuga mogli su ih
slušati i noć cijelu
Pišonja i Žuga imali su krv
sedamnaest godina vrelu
Pišonja i Žuga

Jos istu noć su Pišonja i Žuga
maznuli kasetas iz Doma invalida
pa malo zatim i autobus
auto-prevoza sa Hrida
Pišonja ubaci u brzinu
to vrelo ljetno veče
oko dvae'st i dva časa
a sada, pravac more
viknu Žuga iz sveg glasa

Pišonja je vozio i pušio duhan,
Žuga voli crne, a Pišonja plave
a poslije mora dalje u svijet
samo se hrabri dokopaju slave
a onda zbogom barake na Breci
viknu Žuga i kasetaš odvrnu jače
dobit ćete razglednicu
iz afričke zemlje Safari, zbogom žohari

Pišonja i Žuga, dva vjerna druga
krote opasne krivine
molim te, čuvaj ih, kraljice brzine

Murija je blokirala cestu
negdje kod Bradine
oko dvae's tri i pet
u autobusu je svirao Boogie-Woogie
vidjevši drotove pri brzini
od osamdeset na sat
vežite se, polećemo, Pišonja reče Žugi

Strahovit tresak zapara zrak
čak i iskre poletješe u mrak
pričali su ujutru
i kleli se u majku
da su auspuh i retrovizor našli čak
pedeset metara dalje u jarku


I dok su Pišonju nosili u hitnu
on ugleda mjesec iznad sebe i reče
Bože, kako neki mogu gore
a ja i Žuga ni na more
poslije toga je pao u nesvjest
i visš nije mogao čuti
kako se još dugo na nebu
smijao mjesec žuti...
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:34


Intro: Blue Raspberry]
Mommy, Daddy..
It's the Killa Beez!

[Chorus: Suga Bang Bang (Blue Raspberry)]
You're no warrior, you can't bang like us (Killa Beeeeeez)
You're no warrior, you're now some haters (Killa Beeeeeez)
"Forever, forever"

[Interlude: U-God]
Yo, yo
Bring it high
Yo, yo

I was born with this magnet, worn by the +Dragnet+
I love my dirty habits, I've got to have it
The super-glow, +Duece Biggalo: Male Jiggalo+
Gold hands crush cold hands of Michelobes
Style's the needle, black Benzino
Valentino, nine beetles, boys, evil steelo
Hit like the bull, more pull than Magnetos
Crush the kilo with my bare-hand, reload and Eagle
Nine Dese' strikes, deadly for you people
Burn third degree, chemo', seap hole, see you through the peep-hole
In the crime lab, cuttin' g-notes
Cuttin' dime slabs then we backed up g-knome
Rush through the crowd with a heat-hold
Slapshot, jackpot and pilo
Graffiti on the walls, throwin' up primo
Gambino, three dice, head crack, cee-los
In ya ear-hole, let the snare roll
Dolo, lower than low, lower than zero
Who's Your Rhymin' Heroes+

[Interlude: Blue Raspberry]
Killa Beeeeez!

[Chorus 2X]

BZZZZ... you hear the hornet? You ducks don't want it
My darts blast turbo, supersonic
Head tall, y'all come back like the sweat hog
Bobby Digital, half man and half cyborg
Now Y City, home of the fly bitties
Wear high-healed shows and tatoos on side titties
Shorties swallow up the apple cider
Rhyme thought, a buck forty in a yellow spider
With the black interior, my Mac's superior
To your inferior gat, up in the cafeteria
I used to cut class and bang lunch tables
With four-finger rings and long chunky gold cables
Now I'm known to smack drum machines, carry guillotines
Watch my bullets scream... {*imitating bullets flying*} and hit the target
You can't trace the path of ear from which is Charlotte

[Chorus 2X]

[Interlude: Blue Raspberry]
It's the Killa Beez!

[Inspectah Deck]
It's the return of the bad boy, the mic Sean Penn
Floss gems 'cross the world with my nine swordsmen
At a speed that exceeds your convertable Benz
From a distance you glimpse through binocular lens
Stay hotter than an ex-con dodgin' the pen's
Killa squadron known to start a popular trend
And the emblem symbolize the wisdom, certifies the platinum
Magnify the stardom, shots bust at random
Wake you out your boredom, kings of our kingdom
Reppin' for my hoodlums, ghetto with the problems
Cuz yo, we step on toes
Bangin' heads, knockin' deep blue weapons at the po's
Flash quiz, do that nigga handle his biz?
I spin a song like Michael and Diana in the wiz
The rough shit, I bust it for the republic
Dubbin' it, you ain't lovin' it, what you fuckin' wit?
Manifesto, light it like a techno club
Outsider don't expect no love
Manuscript make the fans flip, don't chance it
Cop the goods while my hundred hoods run rampid

[Chorus 2X]

[Outro: Blue Raspberry
Mommy, it's the Killa Beez!

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:39

Wu-tang Clan » The Monument (feat. Busta Rhymes)

[Busta Rhymes]
Yeah, yeah yeah now, what the fuck now?
Flipmode Wu-Tang shit, what the fuck now?
Yeah yeah yeah..
Historical and monumental shit
What the fuck now? Yeah, yeah, yeah

Straight smack a nigga right in the face like this was handball
Or make a mural out his face up on a damn wall
Niggaz play hard and shit; if you know what's best for you
y'all niggaz better safeguard your shit
Even though we rep brass knuckle rap
Fuck with street geniuses and bowlegged chicks who walk with a gap
Street niggaz now the corporate boss
Still go to y'all resteraunt for steamed fish and Irish moss
And y-yo, the way we do it and you see how my shit bomb
Your whole show wack and I'ma cancel your sitcom
Fuck a nigga broad 'til she tired and real calm
You ain't knowin my name tattoed on your bitch arm
The way we blow SHIT is a shame
Casually bust my gun and celebrate bustin a cork on the champagne
Wrote you with a whole new approach that lead a whole team of niggaz
Y'all should know I only ball like a coach, NOW!

[Raekwon the Chef]
Check out the light fixture, freak lines like white bitches
Let the mic lines - hang that slang is ridiculous
Emperor of warlords, big gun only fuck with sawed-offs
That's my specialty, more to bust
Shot out my bed parrot keep it gangster Lord
I analyze your work those that got merked were not established
Texture look classy, arm baby 2000 raspberry
S-5, blowin through Asbury
Soon to own steakhouses, glowin like makeover thousand
Them them niggaz, robbin from Pinkhouse's
Show and prove, knockin off cab drivers
God, sodomize money, ring two hundred thousand
See the color of the carved out Wu emblem
Baby, it's all designers, tailor-made Wu gooses
Limousine, automatic new uzi's in 'em yo
Relax, cousin just cruise through, jewels with him

Move up the block, giant box blast my song
Non-stop strictly hip-hop, march on
Doo-rag hang long, metal tape is high-bias
Graphics, captured with the colorful, iris
I zoom in, while the listeners tune in
Some assumin they paid dues and joined the union
Lost nigga couldn't rumble in this wild jungle
Quick to crumble, type to be on the stand and fumble
Divine Master, threw on the track that made 'em bleed
He produce at unattainable rains of top speed
This powerful magnet, that left 'em stagnant
was unlikely in cameras in larger fragments
Un-filled rifle, scout sniper, shots precise
Starlight scope, with the night vision device
Splendid marksman, that'll shoot the one off the dice
Split a grain of rice, in one shot we kill 'em twice

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:44

Wu-tang Clan » Shame On A Nigga

Intro: raekwon the chef

[martial arts movie sample]
Yeah, yo, aight
Pass the meth!
(nizzuh nzza punk nigguh, yeah!)
Yeah, aight
Kick the raw style, yeah
Fly that fuckin sack


Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buck wild with the trigger!
Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buck- i fuck yo' ass up! what?

(hut one, hut two, hut three, hut!)

Verse one: ol dirty bastard, method man, raekwon the chef

Ol' dirty bastard, live and uncut!
Styles unbreakable, shatterproof
To the young youth, ya wanna get gun? shoot!
Blaow! how you like me now? don't fuck the style
Ruthless wild!
Do ya wanna getcha teeth knocked the fuck out?
Wanna get on it like that, well then shout!

Yo rza, yo razor!
Hit me with the major
The damage, my clan understand it be flavor
Gunnin, hummin comin atcha
First i'm gonna getcha, once i gotcha, i gat-cha
You could never capture the method man's stature
For rhyme and for rapture, got niggaz resigning, now master
My style? never! i put the fucking buck in the wild kid, i'm terror
Razor sharp, i sever
The head from the shoulders, i'm better
Than my compeda, you mean competitor, whadeva!
Let's get together

[shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buckwild with the tri-blaow!]

I react so thick, i'm phat, and yo!
Rae came blowing and blew off ya headphones black
Rap from yo cali to texas
Smoother than a lexus, now's my turn to wreck this
Brothers approach and half step, but ain't heard
Half of it yet, and i bet you're not a fuckin vet
So, when you see me on the real, formin like voltron
Remember i got deep like a navy seal!


[shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
Wu buck wild with the trigger!
Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga
I'll fuck your ass up!]

Verse two: ol dirty bastard

I come with that ol' loco
Style from my vocal
Couldn't peep it with a pair of bi-focals
I'm no joker! play me as a joker
Be on you like a house on fire! smoke ya!
Crews be actin like they gangs, anyway
Be like, "warriors! come out and playiyay!"
Burn me, i get into shit, i let it out like diarrhea
Got burnt once, but that was only gonorrhea
Dirty, i keep shit stinks in my drawers
So i can get fzza-funky for yah
Murder, taste the flame of the wu-tang rahh!
Here comes the tiger verse crane!
Ow, be like wild with my style
Punk! you playing me, chump, you get dumped
Wu! is comin through! at a theatre near you!
And get funk like a shoe!

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:47

Zabranjeno pušenje

Pišonja i Žuga u paklu droge

Pišonju i Žugu je zovnuo na dernek
jaran koji studira
rekao je - momci nemojte belaja
tu su raja kulturna

Amila je bila lijepa kao vila
starci su joj radili negdje u Iraku
rekla je samo, uđite momci
pa se poslije izgubila u mraku

Pišonja, reče Žuga
ovo mjesto mi se ne sviđa
ajmo rađe pred piramidu
ima finih putera

Odmori Žuga malo, matere ti
zar ne vidiš kakve su ovdje trebe
zar već poslje pete pive
moraš da praviš budalu od sebe

Pišonja, ovo mjesto mi se ne sviđa
niko se ne smije i čudna je muzika
Pišonja, ovdje se nesto čudno događa
sve je puno drogiranih pedera

A Pišonja odmah prifura Amili
kao Indijana Džons onoj u Hong Kongu
znao je, ne smije biti greške
ove fine ti odmah daju nogu

Pišonja taman složi pravu priču
i odsvira Crne Leptire
kad se odnekud pojavi Žuga
i poče da paranoiše


Odmori Žuga malo, Tite ti
zar ne vidiš kakve su ovdje trebe
zar već poslje šeste pive
moraš da praviš budalu od sebe

Al' negdje oko pola tri
na dernek upadoše drotovi
neke frajere odmah
prisloniše uza zid

Amila se prestraši, kaže
joj, stari će me masakrirati
a onda ugleda Pišonju
i pogled joj đavolski zasvjetli

Maleni, zelim nešto da ti poklonim
maleni, primi ovaj dar moje ljubavi
maleni, al' nešto moraš mi obećati
prije jutra nećeš ga otvarati

Jedan drot prifura Pišonji
džepove mu prebira
nađe Amilinu travu i reče:
Slavko, imamo dilera!

Pišonja reče, drugovi
jel' se to možda snima neki film
Pišonja reče, drugovi
ja nemam ništa s tim


Poslednji izmenio dana Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:49, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:48

Wu-tang Clan » Iron Flag

[intro/chorus: raekwon]
Murder one of yall niggaz..
Get to hurtin one of yall niggaz..
Bitches, snatch the shirt off one of yall niggaz

[raekwon the chef]
... kick dirt
Color glocks splitters just listen theres ufo visitors
Fly paintings remainin, reclinin pro-comissioner
One boot off he rudolph, know he hyped flew off
Hibernatin, dead in the makin, ear-rake him, gear-rake him
Technician murderer, wu hit the universe
Our words is crush, fingers icy slush, ringers wants mercedes bust
Tip bottles, movado, sailin in some wu googles you follow
Mail and jail letters, sendin niggaz lottos
What made you murder my flow, what made you rival my clothes
What made you -- fuck it, yo son these niggaz gotta owe
I think a lot of flows, I flip exotic hoes
We paintin pictures if its (? ) I seen a lot of those
Gettin fly with ghost, power just buy the boats
Rza your vision is exquisite, daddy hide your scrolls
Platonic chronic shows, tonic prose
Off the meter panasonic know, son line me a ho

[masta killa]
Devestatin shockwaves strikin the nation
Newsflash, warn the people, assassination
The hour of detonation, pure untampered or mixed in any form
In any form mixed untampered its pure
Dissect each line of the rhyme
Find my ingredients and nutrients
Teach patience and obediance before movement
Killer bee student enrollment
Im out your control and expose if its synthetic
Quote these plush degrees as I inject, theres many at risk
Slang therapist shallah rae
Plus the people, with magnificent wordplay


[inspectah deck]
Aiyyo you know the half, some get respect, most we show the path
They quoted tracks while we spoke math, blowin fast
Expose the craft, first picks chosen in the draft
I dont flash, hoes love me cause I hold a stash
Known to blast, paramedics couldnt close the gash
Floatin past in an alley with the oak dash
Show the cash, watch it blow in half, its no fair
They goin mad, check their tape recorders and their notepads
Crabs wanna play me close and grab
Cant believe you on the canvas, Im just throwin jabs
Where the powers you supposed to have, hand in your soldier rag
You posin bad, show your ass son, you wont last
With heavy weights that elevate the whole mass
Compose a smash, rollin grass at ghost lab

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:51

Ol` Dirty Bastard » Got Your Money
Ohhh Baby
I dedicate this
To all the pretty girls
All the pretty girls
Uh Oh (Echo)
All the pretty girls in the world
And all the ugly girls too
Coz to me ur pretty anyway baby

U gimmie ur number, I call u up
U act like ur pussy don't interrupt
I don't have no trouble wit u fuckin me
But I have a little problem wit u not fuckin me
Baby u no ima take care of u
Coz u say u got my baby, and I no it ain't true
Is it a good thing? No it's bad bitch
4 good or worse, makes u switch
So I walk on over wit my crystal
Bitches, niggaz put away ur pistols
Dirty won't be havin it in this house
Coz bitch I'll cripple ur style
now that u heard my calm voice
u couldn't get another nigga, hoochie won't get moist
If u wanna look good and not be bummy
girl u better give me that money

hey, dirty, baby I got ur money
don't u worry, I say hey
baby I got ur money(2x)

yo! so I glanced at the girls, girls glanced at me
I whispered in their ear, "wanna be wit me?"
U wanna look pretty though, in my video
Ol' dirty on the hat and I let u all no
just dance! if u caught up in the holy ghost trance
if u stop! ima put the killer ants in ur pants
I'm the O-D-B as u can see
Every eye, don't u be watchin me
I don't want no problems coz I put u down
In the ground where u cannot be found
I'm just dirt dog tryin 2 make some bunny
So gimmie my streaks and gimmie my honey
Radio playin, all day, everyday
recognise I'm a fool and ya luvin me!
None of u nmph better look at me funny
Nmph u no my name, now gimmie my money


sing it, sing it girls!
just shake it right now!
If dirty want his money,
I think y'all should give him his money
that's how I like it girl

Sexy! Sexy! Sexy!
Sexy! Sexy! Sexy!
Sexy! Sexy! Sexy!

Nigga playin in the club like this all night
Bitches put ur ass out, let me hold it tight
U lookin at my wrist sayin "It's so nice"
The price bitch is diamonds, shining disco light
U better help me solve this problem
or Ima get this money and rob them
Lucky dog when I won the lotto
ran up on my car for carryin rollos
U can call me dirty, and then lift up ya skirt
And u want some of this dirty
God made dirt and dirt bust yo ass
Stop annoyin me, yeah! I play my music loud
It takes the bastard ol' dirty, to move the crowd
They say he had his dick in his mouth
Daddy Murphy told me that back in the house
But give me my money!

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:54

Zabranjeno pušenje

Biffe Neretva

A sve zbog Zinaide fukse
iz bifea Neretve
što je nadu dala svima
ali sreću nikome

Ima već šesti dan ne silazim do čaršije
ni Paji se ne da, svi poslovi su stali
Ferid se samo noću fata rakije
očito četvrti za pokera nam fali

Ima već šesti dan da otiš'o si Alija
pred bifeom Neretva još dežura marica
otišla je Zinaida, prava ljubav tvoja
sa očima boje ukrajinskih polja

A do juče dernečili skupa
osta pusta avlija
kuci žena, djeca, život pa 'nako
nema te više Alija

Ima već šesti dan svraćamo do klinike
kažu da si puk'o, da nisi najbolje
ima već šesti dan da otiš'o si Alija
ne daju te vidjet' ni dat' ti naranče


A sve zbog Zinaide fukse
iz bifea Neretve
što je nadu dala svima
ali sreću nikome
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Počalji od Nick Slaughter Ned 16 Sep 2007, 18:57

Zabranjeno pušenje

Bos il' hadžija

Pos'o je dobar, a para laka
burazera je munto Šefket Ramadani
nije stig'o ni da razmisli
a već je bio u kombiju
koji fura prema grani

Stigla su i prva pisma od njega
pis'o je da je često ispred nišana
da voda holandske bakice
i da prodaje porno filmove

Stari se sekirao do ludila
a ja sam bio ponosan na njega
jer moj burazer živi od starog pravila
il' si bos il' si hadžija

A onda ni glasa od njega
neki čovjek donese starom tri milje maraka
kaže, ovo salje Šefket Ramadani
toliko valjda košta život vani

Neki kažu da je htio da se osamostali
neki nisu ništa rekli ili nisu znali
u kući gori svjeća pored ikone
ali ja ne vjerujem nikome
Nick Slaughter
Nick Slaughter

Muški Broj poruka : 1487
Lokacija : Kneževina Dolovo
Datum upisa : 12.02.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 19:03

Wu-tang Clan » Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off)
Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome to you
All the way from the slums of Shaolin
Special uninvited guests
Came in through the back door
Ladies and gentlemen, it's them!
Dance with the mantis, note the slim chances
Chant this, anthem swing like Pete Sampras
Takin it straight to Big Man On Campus
Brandish your weapon or get dropped to the canvas
Scandalous, made the metro panic
Cause static, with or without the automatic
And while I'm at it, yo, you got cash, pass it
It's drastic, gotta send half to Dirty Bastard
Ayo, ayo
Waves is spinnin, blades is spinnin
Slay em in the eighth inning
Stay truck, god stay playin linen
Kill rap, observe the uptowns, ho, feel that
Mink jeans on, seen where the real at
2000 zitos, movin wit a ill ego
For real, for real, ill lines, ill people
Yo, bring it back, 9 more civilians
Pollyin deals, monopoly and bills
Y'all niggas lyin
Caught 300, lab look royal wit a mean stomach
Go broke, all seen, done it
Words from the heavy set
If I don't eat, then we already met
Fly ass bro, liver than coke
Now what Clan you know wit lines this ill?
Bust shots at Big Ben like we got time to kill
Niggas can't gel or I'm just too high to tell
Put on my gasoline boots and walk through hell
Wit 9 generals, 9 ninjas in your video
9 milli blow, semi auto wit no serial
Man metaphysical, I speak for criminals
Who don't pay they bills on time and fuck wit digital
Never seen, smoke a bag of evergreen
My sword got a jones, more heads for the severing
Johnny in the dungeon, takin all bets, throw ya ones in
Scared money don't make money, throw ya guns in
[Masta Killa]
That's word to Jah Mo, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Blowin hydro on a beach wit Tamiko
My gun bullet hollow for you to swallow
Blowin the nozzle, hear it whistle
One in the head, this is code red, man for dead
X amount of lead spray from the barrel
Heat clear the street like Connor O'Carroll
Fully equipped, rifles, banana clip shit
To make my niggas from East New York flip
[Bobby Digital]
Yo, you may catch me in a pair of Polo Skipperys, matching cap
Razor blades in my gums (BOBBY!)
You may catch me in yellow Havana Joe's goose jumper
And my phaser off stun (BOBBY!)
Y'all might just catch me in the park playin chess, studyin math
Signin 7 and a sun (BOBBY!)
But you won't catch me without the ratchet, in the joint
Smoked out, dead broke or off point (BOBBY!)
Wallo's comfortable, chocolate frosting
Your socks hangin out, yours is talkin
Rock so steadily, son, I'm still crazy
Sport my old Force MD furs in the 80's
Nat Turners wit burners, Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Taught y'all niggas how to rap, reimburse me
Rothsdale's, ruby red sales, Bloomingdale's, blocks
Ox tails chopped up in Caribbean spots
I'm nice, maxed out, creepin wit the ax out
Murder these bikini bitches, switchin with they backs out
Niggas wanna pop shit, I pop clips
Bitch, I'll put my dick on ya lips
Alabama split, hammer slay quick
That David Banner gamma ray shit
Shells in the mouth, jailhouse snitch
My powder voice, Snow White stiff
Verbal killas, gorilla grip
God body shit, puff Marley spliffs
You might see me in a 6, that's not my style
You might see me wit a bitch, that's not my child
I be in the benzo, keep a low profile
Dead serious, take flicks and don't smile
Tryna get money, y'all cats is wild
I pose for the clothes, make a song like wild
I'm a chip off the board game, got sword game
Live life to the fullest, still want more fame
Darts on layaway, beats on standby
Outfits pressed up, ready for airtime
Run on the track like Jesse Owens
Broke the record flowin, without any knowin
That my wordplay run the 400 meter relay
It's on once I grab the baton from the DJ
A athlete wit his iron cleat in the ground
Wildest nigga who sprint off the gun sound
The best time yet still 7.0
Swift flow made the cameramen clothes blow

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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Počalji od GuaRdian_AngeL Ned 16 Sep 2007, 19:05

Wu-tang Clan » Can It Be All So Simple
Intro: raekwon the chef

[can it be that it was all so simple then]
Knowhati'msayin, take you on this lyrical high real quick
Nineteen ninety three exoticness
Knowhati'msayin, let's get technical
Where's your bone at, get up on that shit aight

Verse one:

Started off on the island, ak shaolin
Niggaz whylin, gun shots thrown the phone dialin
Back in the days of eight now, makin a tape now
Rae gotta get a plate now
Ignorant and mad young, wanted to be the one
Till i got (bam! bam!) thrown one
Yeah, my pops was a fiend since sixteen
Shootin' that (that's that shit!) in his blood stream
That's the life of a crimey, real live crimey
If niggas know the half is behind me
Day one, yo, growin all up in the ghetto
Now i'm a weed fiend, jettin the palmetto
In medina, yo no doubt the god got crazy clout
Pushin the big joint from down south
So if you're filthy stacked up
Betta watch ya back and duck
Cause these fiends they got it cracked up
Now my man from up north, now he got the law
It's solid as a rock and crazy salt
No jokes, i'm not playin, get his folks
Desert eagle his dick and put 'em in a yolk (aah!)
And to know for sure, i got reck and rip shop
I pointed a gat at his mother's knot
(yo, rae, don't do that shit, man! don't do that shit! )
Fuck that

dedicated to the winners and the losers
(can it be that it was all so simple then?)
dedicated to all jeeps and land cruisers
(can it be that it was all so simple then?)
dedicated to the y's, 850-i's
(can it be that it was all so simple then?)
dedicated to niggas who do drive-bys
(can it be that it was all so simple then?)
dedicated to the lexus and the ax
(can it be that it was all so simple then?)
dedicated to mpv's phat!
(can it be that it was all so simple then?)
nigguh, yeah, yeah!

Verse two: ghostface killer

Kickin the fly cliches
Doin duets with rae and a, happens to make my day
Though i'm tired of bustin off shots havin to rock knots
Runnin up in spots and makin shit hot
I'd rather flip shows instead of those
Hangin on my living room wall
My first joint, and it went gold
I want to lamp, i want to be in the shade
Plus the spot light
Gettin my dick rubbed all night
I wanna have me a phat yacht
And enough land to go and plant my own sess crops
But for now, it just a big dream
Cause i find myself in the place where i'm last seen
My thoughts must be relaxed
Be able to maintain
Cause times is changed and life is strange
The glorious days is gone, and everybody's doin' bad
Yo, mad lives is up for grabs
Brothers, passin away, i gotta make wakes
Receivin all types of calls from upstate
Yo, i can't cope with the pressure
Settlin for lesser
The god left lessons on my dresser
So i can bloom and blossom, find a new way
Continue to make hits with rae and a
Sunshine plays a major part in the daytime
[peace to mankind ghostface carry a black nine, nigga
Word up
It's on like that]

[can it be that it was all so simple then]

Muški Broj poruka : 3445
Godina : 34
Lokacija : iza 7 brda i 7 mora, 7 planina i 7 dolina, 7 reka i 7 jezera, 7 stepa i 7 suma, na jednom proplanku
Datum upisa : 17.05.2007

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