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KGB Archiver 2 beta 2

2 posters

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KGB Archiver 2 beta 2 Empty KGB Archiver 2 beta 2

Počalji od Mudorator Uto 04 Dec 2007, 17:37

KGB Archiver 2 beta 2

KGB Archiver is the compression tool with an unbelievably high compression rate. Unfortunately, in spite of its powerful compression rate, it has high hardware requirements (I recommend processor with 1,5GHz clock and 256MB of RAM as an essential minimum). One of the advantages of KGB Archiver is also AES-256 encryption which is used to encrypt the archives. This is one of the strongest encryptions known for human.

Download page

čuo sam da može da ima ogromnu moć kompresije, pa čisto sumnjam da je tako nešto moguće (tipa 3GB na 5-6 MB), ako neko bude imao strpljenja da ga testira (pošto mu jako puno vremena treba, a moja mašina baš i nije neka reprezentativna), neka napiše kakve su mu stvarno mogućnosti...

Muški Broj poruka : 2267
Datum upisa : 09.12.2006

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KGB Archiver 2 beta 2 Empty Re: KGB Archiver 2 beta 2

Počalji od P@WLE Counter-Strike Uto 04 Dec 2007, 23:56

Ima ogromnu moc , al zato 100 kilobajta kompresuje pola sata
za tu stwar je minimum 5g rama kez zeleni smeh hunter
P@WLE Counter-Strike
P@WLE Counter-Strike

Broj poruka : 79
Datum upisa : 29.03.2007

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